How Can Restaurants Cut Down On Energy This Christmas?

As well as being the busiest time of the year for restaurants, it is also the most expensive, particularly as energy bills have soared over the last few months. So how can they reduce their energy bills while still attracting customers?


Germany has taken its energy-saving measures to the extreme lately, with some restaurants in Baden-Wurttemberg limiting their menus to reduce food storage, closing more often, and lowering room temperatures. 


Thankfully, eateries in the UK do not have to take such drastic steps yet, but it is still wise to reduce the amount of energy used to ensure there is enough to last the winter. 


One way to do this could be to find out what is giving you the least value for money. Use plug monitors for fridges, glass washers, beer coolers, ovens and dishwashers and find out what is costing you most. This will help you determine which appliance to stop using, or at least cut down on. 


The Drinks Business also recommends switching off ceiling fans; regularly defrosting and cleaning refrigerators; turning things off when not in use, such as microwaves; and reducing the indoor temperature. 


You can change the temperature and time of the heating with programmed timers for each day of the week, taking advantage of the busier days to turn the heating off earlier. 


It is also a good idea to get LED lights, as well as motion-detector lights for storerooms, so they turn off when nobody is in there. 


Take a look at our LED tube light fittings here. 

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