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5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Switch To LED Lighting

LED lights are set to eventually replace traditional incandescent or fluorescent light bulbs as the primary artificial light source in both outdoor and indoor settings. However, some businesses and organisations might not be aware of the full benefits of making the switch, or are simply putting off the issue for another time.  

Many businesses may cite the cost, time and disruption of replacing existing light fixtures as their primary reason for not upgrading their lighting systems. However, it is possible to retrofit LED light engines to your non-LED light fixtures. This is usually a straightforward and affordable process in most cases, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of LED lighting. 

Here are five reasons why your business should make the switch today.

Energy efficient lighting

One of the main benefits of LED lighting is undoubtedly energy efficiency. The light emitting diodes use up 90 per cent less energy than many other types of lighting product, and furthermore they can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs. 

LED lights can also help you to meet your business’s sustainability goals through reduced waste of old lightbulbs, and lower C02 emissions and reduced carbon footprint. Furthermore, many LED light bulbs are now fully recyclable. 

Better lighting quality

LED light is superior to traditional lighting, producing a bright clear light that is ideal for workplaces. It can make work safer and easier to carry out, and also help to reduce eye strain. The lighting can be tailored to suit the environment and even the time of day, following natural circadian rhythms. 

This can improve the health and productivity of employees by helping them to sleep and regulate their mood and energy levels more effectively. 


LED bulbs have reduced considerably in price since they first entered the market, and even though they are initially more expensive than traditional bulbs, they provide a much better return on investment through lower energy consumption and increased lifespan.


LED lights are very versatile and can produce a range of colours and colour temperatures (cool or warm tones). They can also be dimmed and even programmed to respond automatically to external levels of light. This makes them ideal for settings where you want to create a specific ambience, such as restaurants, galleries, or retail stores. 

They can be fitted or retrofitted to any setting, such as accent lighting, task lighting, and ambient lighting. In outdoor settings, they can be less costly and time consuming to maintain, and also offer better control over light pollution due to their responsiveness and range of colour temperatures. 


LEDs are solid state lights, which makes them more capable of withstanding shocks and vibrations. This may be a consideration in a factory or garage. Furthermore, they emit much less heat than traditional light bulbs, reducing fire hazards and the risk of burns when changing the bulbs.

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